Testimonials – Ecotrailz


Copyright © EcoTrailz.

Here’s What Our Tribe Members Say About Their Experience With Us.

Surojoy Banerjee

I am an avid wildlife enthusiast and a seasoned jungle explorer. While I have had many exciting sightings of a plethora of wildlife and beheld the beautiful biodiversity of Indian jungles, the idea of exploring a little known jungle along with the chance to see the elusive leopard piqued my interest. Combined with a solid endorsement for EcoTrailz from a colleague, I decided to join the Nagzira expedition in March 2020. What followed was a memorable expedition with a rare sighting of a pack of 7 dhole, a massive Indian Gaur and the unfruitful but exciting wait near a kill, hoping that the tiger will emerge. The ultimate high for me was staying inside the core on a full moon night. The experience was other worldly. The view of the beautiful Nagzira Lake, the night time sounds of the jungle coming alive, glittering fire flies are unforgettable. A blink and you miss sighting of a sprinting feline right across the yard before us and the discovery of a partial pug print the next morning confirming that it indeed was a feline . Wow, what an experience. I must record my appreciation for the amazing F&B arrangements, logistics planning and the surprise shift to the core. Keep Up the Great Work.

Ritwik Mudliar

The experience I have with EcoTrailz can’t be quantified in words. While the rush of emotions I feel can only be felt when in the jungle , inside tiger territory , I give a lot of the credit for it to the experience EcoTrailz creates for each guest during the expedition . Right from sharing information about the park to be visited, organizing the safaris, the food arrangements everything is meticulously planned and executed flawlessly. Things work with utmost precision and every trip just makes me want more. Recently, I joined their Ranthambore expedition. At RTR, I was so deeply immersed and engaged with the experience that I don’t recall even looking at my watch to check the time or browsing through my phone while I was there . I didn’t realize how time flew by, but the adrenaline rush and high stayed with me for weeks. I highly recommend EcoTrailz for every nature and wildlife lover irrespective of their age group. You are sure to have a memorable wildlife experience.

Amrita Shetty

My affinity for nature and wildlife began with amazing childhood experiences, where I learnt about spectacular animals, reptiles and flora from my neighbors, a respected zoology professor and a wildlife conservationist. Two decades later, I joined an immaculately planned, well organized and superbly executed jungle expedition by EcoTrailz to Tadoba in Jan 2020. My affinity transformed to deep abiding love. Right from the airport pick up to the gate selection, the stay, F&B arrangements to the amazing surprise interaction with the very talented Subbiah Nalla Muthu Sir, every last I was dotted and T was crossed. The sighting of Junabai with her cubs, the glimpse of Mowgli are much more than what I could have ever dreamt of experiencing in my maiden expedition. The long safari drives dotted with insights on tiger behavior and the memorable bonfire sessions with warm hospitality made me feel at home. I fell in love with the wild all over again. I am a proud EcoTrailz tribe member for life.

Anushree Shetty

My very first experience of a jungle expedition was the outcome of a casual conversation with my sister. All I told her was “Let’s get away for a short break”. Before I could even blink, I found myself booked for a 3 day expedition to Tadoba! I had prepared myself mentally for it to be a “rough it out experience”. I was in for a pleasant surprise though. Right from the vehicle that picked us up to the resort we stayed in, the experience was awesome. The warmth and easy camaraderie that I experienced put me at ease. I recall bracing myself for the first jungle safari, not knowing what lies ahead. I surprised myself, because we waited for a good hour & a half near the kill site for Junabai. But the time just flew by .The interactions we had in hushed tones with tips on listening keenly to the sounds of the jungle had me alert and waiting with baited breath. I was spellbound when I saw Junabai come out, giving us the proverbial catwalk. Following her were the 4 adorable cubs. All I could do was look at them in wonder. We were also able to see them through the bamboo thicket, playing around. Hearing Junabai roar, sometimes gently, sometimes an octave louder and seeing her sit regally in the golden light of the evening is etched in my mind forever. My experience with EcoTrailz was downright awesome and I vouch for their superlative services. I have already planned my next expedition with them.

Farhan Khan

My friendship with Ratish goes back many years and I recall telling him that he must consider starting a jungle safari venture. Ratish’s passion for wildlife, especially for Tigers finally led him to setting up EcoTrailz. My first expedition with them was to Tadoba in 2019. I must say it was a surreal, out of this world experience. Ratish & his whole team (Manish, Sudarshan and Vijay) are very helpful and flexible. They take care of everything be it booking tickets to online safari registrations to hotel arrangements , local transport just about every aspect related to the expedition is very well managed . EcoTrailz solves all your logistic challenges at once, so all one has to do is just pack, travel and reach the designated pick up point. Everything else is perfectly managed and coordinated by the EcoTrailz team. The best thing about them is their competitive rates for all national and international safaris. EcoTrailz has an amazing network of hospitality partners with best resorts, superb hospitality and great homely food, making this their biggest asset. Last summer, I went with my family to the Ranthambore expedition organized by EcoTrailz. My 4.5 year old son just loved every moment of the time we spent there. My family and I came back with amazing memories and some unforgettable sightings of the magnificent RTR tigers. I strongly recommend EcoTrailz as wildlife partners for every safari that you take. I am sure you will be as happy and satisfied as I am.

Mohd. Rameez

Shooting animals in the wild is a dream for many photographers and I am no different. Working in a country with no forests, I let my dream stay buried deep inside. But the thirst for capturing at least one moment in the wild never went away. For the last two plus years, in my desperation to see some animals in wild I made multiple visits to Bandipur National Park in Karnataka ( the only park easily accessible to me) during my annual vacations in India but fortune didn’t favor me. I only know bits and pieces of Hindi which makes it very difficult for me to explore the main national parks in India. Given my Hindi problem, I never even tried to venture anywhere. I was constantly searching for some groups who conduct safaris in the main Tiger Reserves of India and to my luck, one day; Facebook connected me to the EcoTrailz Page. I dropped a message to Ratish but never expected that this very message will give me the opportunity to fulfill my wildlife dreams. I was initially planning to attempt a personalized safari during my annual India vacation time but to my good luck EcoTrailz was planning the Kanha National Park expedition around the same time. I found the package reasonable and without a second thought I paid the required advance, blocked my seats and booked tickets to Nagpur as well. I was in constant touch with Ratish as I couldn’t contain my excitement given this was to be my first organized safari experience. I also had a handful of questions and some doubts, which Ratish very patiently answered. I am sure team EcoTrailz does this for all their customers. My Kanha Safari experience was just amazing. For the first time in my life I understood that safaris are not just about seeing animals. When you are with people who share a common interest in wildlife, the information exchange is worth much more than what one sees. We were very lucky to have Akshay Rajput with us in the group. On the very first day, at the first safari, we had a wonderful sighting and I got my first tiger click as well . Many thanks to Akshay Rajput for his valuable feedback and input. Dear Team EcoTrailz, the way you handle your customers is just mind blowing. I never felt like I was on an expedition with unknown group members. Each and every member was made so comfortable that we all felt like why didn’t we think of grouping together for a safari earlier? Well, it is true that there is time for everything and finally the right time for me to have this lovely experience came. I have seen in person the pains EcoTrailz takes to select the best routes and arrange for the best guides. They don’t mind going the extra mile to give us, guests what we need. I was pleasantly surprised to see the care that they took in selecting the accommodation as well. As a customer I am happy to the core and EcoTrailz will be always be my go to wildlife partners for all future safaris. Looking forward to lot more trips with EcoTrailz.

Rajesh Murali Ganesh

It’s always a great pleasure to participate in expeditions organized by EcoTrailz. I’m a wildlife enthusiast since 2015 and have visited different Tiger reserves with friends. But I always felt like something was missing from my experience during these trips. It could be because I didn’t enjoy the company of my friends during the expedition as much as I do otherwise or the stay arrangements disappointed me. But my first trip with EcoTrailz in Oct 2019 left me feeling complete. I found that the most important thing was that, though my fellow guests were from different parts of the world, all of us shared a common love : the love for nature and wildlife . I felt like I was in the company of family. This feeling of connecting with fellow guests didn’t happen just once, but was consistent in all the 4 trips I went for with EcoTrailz. Though I travelled solo to the pickup point from Chennai, I never felt like I was alone. Once I joined the expedition group and started the journey to the woods, it felt like I was with friends. I must share that stay and food arrangements are other key factors that added to my experience. The resorts that EcoTrailz booked for us were beautiful, with nice ambience, posh looking but at an economical price. The guides and drivers deployed were also very good. At every safari, they took a lot of additional effort to ensure that we had the best possible chance of sighting. This is one of the main advantages of choosing EcoTrailz as your wildlife partner. Summing up, EcoTrailz provides you a luxurious wildlife experience at the best and competitive rates.

Divya Dubey

Memorable trip! The trip to Tadoba with Eco Trailz was amazing! We have been to several national parks before but the sight of a tiger has always eluded us. So this time we chose professionals, who not only know what they are doing but are also extremely passionate and committed to this hobby-turned-job of theirs. Everything from the pick up to stay and drop was well taken care of. The drivers and cars were of a decent standard and one felt safe travelling even at 1 a.m. from Taaru Van in Tadoba to Nagpur airport. The stay at Taaru Van was comfortable with friendly and courteous staff. It is certainly not a high end resort but fairly decent, clean and comfortable. The food was tasty and served with love and care. Would suggest adding some seasonal fruits and fresh, healthier options in the menu. The main purpose of sighting tigers in the wild was ultimately achieved. And what a thrilling experience it was! Careful planning, zone and gate selection, regular tracking of tigers by the Eco Trailz team and of course a dash of luck, all helped in making this possible. Hearing the interesting stories and experiences of the group members on their previous tours, meeting the well known Mr. Nalla Muthu ( a leading wildlife film maker), valuable lessons in photography and enhanced knowledge about tigers and their lives all contributed to making this an unforgettable experience for all of us! Good luck @Ratish and team! Looking forward to many more trips….

Kiyan Mugaseth

I am a 16 year old wildlife enthusiast eager to explore and learn about the wilderness of India along with the animals and birds inhabiting the various regions. I have been to only a few national parks generally with parents and always wished to travel more. This was my first trip with EcoTrailz and wanted to give organized safari experience a chance. At first I was a little sketchy on the details and took time to consider but I would most definitely regret not going. The trip was to Kanha National Park in the heart of India, Madhya Pradesh . I absolutely loved the trip. I have never been to Kanha or any other Central Indian park in Madhya Pradesh and this was a trip to never forget. I went for 4 safaris whilst the rest went for more.Even though my excursions to the jungle were limited, I got to see more than I ever expected. The jeep safaris were thrilling and at every sighting I was at the edge of my seat waiting for any creature to appear from the dense Saal forest. I went in the month of February and got to experience winter in the park. It was immensely cold but I had an amazing experience. Without the help of EcoTrailz I would have never encountered such creatures like the Jungle Owlet or the Changeable Hawk Eagle or a whole committee of vultures and especially the emblem of Kanha, the Barasingha. With the help of Mr. Ratish and other people in the jeep I was able to better my photography skills. Despite not being able to sight the striped beast, I learned to appreciate the beauty and the magnificence of the landscape in Kanha. Passing through the magical misty meadows to entering the light scattered Saal forests of Kanha were truly moments to cherish. Who better to embark on this journey than with EcoTrailz. From the moment I met Mr. Ratish and the rest of the group, I would lie if I didn’t say I was fascinated and thrilled. The whole group was a lively and joyous bunch. I met so many new people and made so many new friends. I felt a bit odd at first being the youngest but they were all extremely welcoming and open minded. From the knowledgeable twitcher Dinesh Sir to friendly Sudarshan and from kind hearted Mr. Ratish to the hilarious story teller Rajesh, I thoroughly enjoyed everyone’s company. It was an absolute privilege to be on a trip with Mr. Akshay Rajput who is extremely knowledgeable about the tigers of national parks around India. My favourite times were at night after the evening safari where we would gather around Akshay sir and he would show us his images but also edit a few to give us a better insight on what could be done to better the shots. It was a lot of fun sharing our safari experiences in many other national parks and tiger reserves as we sat around the warm bonfire in the cold of the night. The hotel we stayed at was also quite homely and luxurious. It may not be a 5 star but it was a lovely place with kind workers and delicious food! My safari driver, Sanjay was also very nice. It was great to hear the tales of Kanha and the recent sightings from him. Overall, I would say this was a fabulous trip and I will always cherish the cap they gave me. However the adventure doesn’t end here, as just like sightings of tigers I will be frequently joining EcoTrailz on their trips. I cannot wait to join one of the most amazing people I have ever met, Mr. Ratish along with the EcoTrailz group on many more safaris in India. Be it Tadoba or Bandhavgarh, I know for a fact that I will have a great time and just like Kanha , these trips will be worth the time.

Manish Rao

For me wildlife is like therapy for the soul and there is no better way to get the best therapy than through EcoTrailz safaris. Right from the safari details,pick up ,drop to the complete safari , the experience is redefined to the next level.I must add that the personalized attention by EcoTrailz team spoils you to the core . Wildlife expertise coupled with editing and photography tips from Ratish make it a wonderfully complete, happy package . If you truly want to experience wildlife without the logistics worry and have the most out of the world experience look no further. " EcoTrailz - the Tribe with positive Vibes " Disclaimer : EcoTrailz is addictive and will get you addicted to wildlife with EcoTrailz .

We Help You Connect With Wildlife Like No One Else.